

This precious stone is produced beneath the earth’s surface under high pressure and temperatures. This gem is developed when carbon atoms are combined together and converted into a crystalline lattice of complex nature.

Regular white colorless diamonds. Not much to expand on them. Basically, these are probably what everybody imagine when you speak with them about diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds also known as man-made diamonds are somewhat of a growinng trend that is developing more and more last few years. The reason is that it is a technological product just like any other “gadget” (no disrespect intended). As such, as technology evolved, these diamonds become cheaper and cheaper to manufacture. While once prices of lab grown diamonds were 30% beneath equivalent regular diamonds, today they are 50%-60% cheaper and some say that in just a few years they will become even 70% cheaper and more.

Treated Diamonds that were mined like the regular diamonds mentioned above but that their attributes were artificially enhanced / manipulated to get a better looking diamond. Common treatments include inclusion filling where using special material they “hide” inclusions and color enhancement. Please note that these treatments are usually done to diamonds that cannot be sold otherwise and therefore these diamond prices are dramatically lower than the equivalent natural non-treated diamond. 

Natural Fancy Color Diamonds are the most beautiful type of diamonds. Colored diamonds are extremely rare approximately 1 to 10,000 compared to regular diamonds. The spike in awareness (and with it demand) came last decade as more and more celebs were seen wearing them, whether as fashion statements on the red carpet or received them as engagement rings.

Diamond Metals provides value-added services such as production saw-cutting, flame-cutting, pre-squared finishing, and grinding and milling services to tool steels, hot and cold rolled steels, powdered metals, and alloy plates and rounds. Diamond Metals’ customers include tool and die shops, mold shops, machine shops, and general metalworking manufacturers. It may also be used to scratch metals and glass. This is the reason why diamonds are so precious and are used for different purposes.

Today, Russia is the top diamond producing country, followed by Botswana, Canada, Angola, and South Africa. There are four basic kinds of diamond mining: alluvial mining, pit mining, underground mining, and marine mining.


Diamond Stone Diamond Stone


Member Since May 2022